How many times have you been having an AWESOME day… But then your stress and anxiety derails that?

Here’s WHY this happens and how to stop it so you can stay productive and happy =)

Realization 👇🏻

This is what ACTUALLY happens when your negative emotions derail your day:

  1. You’re having an awesome day (go you!)
  2. A negative thought pops into your head. Like “That meeting didn’t go well” or ‘I’m not ready for my presentation”.
  3. These negative thoughts make you feel negative emotions (stress, anger, depression)
  4. You identify with these negative thoughts and emotions, and let them consume you.

You need to realize… You are not your thoughts.

Thinking is something you do. An action you perform (The same way you might sneeze).

The problem is…

When you’re always thinking, you mistake your thoughts for you.

We’re constantly surrounded by air, but we don’t realize it half the time since it’s our default state.

To stop your thoughts from consuming you, you need to practice catching yourself in the act.

Next time your brain is on overdrive:

  1. Take a step back. Physically slow down. Reduce unnecessary stimuli (like Instagram) – It’s hard to be fully aware when your mind and body are racing a mile a minute.
  2. Once you’re in a calmer state, you’ll think more clearly… Remind yourself, you are not your thoughts. With practice, you’ll internalize this (know it in your gut).
  3. A few times a week, write the same thing in your notes (you are not your thoughts). Writing things also helps us internalize them.


  1. You are not your thoughts.
  2. Physically and mentally slowing down will help you get out of your head and stop negative emotions from derailing your day.
  3. Humans are creatures of habit – The more you remind yourself that you are not your thoughts, the easier it gets to remember this when things hit the fan. And the easier it gets to catch yourself when you’re in your own head (since you’re practicing awareness).

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