How to Overcome Failure

When you fail at something or pivot, it’s easy to look back at all the work you did and feel like it was for nothing. Here’s why that’s not the case though… You have this vision of the person you want to become. Someone admirable, who’s accomplished amazing goals. And on your journey to becoming […]

How to Stop Stress and Anxiety From Ruining Your Day

How many times have you been having an AWESOME day… But then your stress and anxiety derails that? Here’s WHY this happens and how to stop it so you can stay productive and happy =) Realization 👇🏻 This is what ACTUALLY happens when your negative emotions derail your day: You need to realize… You are […]

Why You Need to Stop Optimizing Everything

You’re an ambitious person. And it can feel like you NEED to optimize ever little detail of life. But that’s actually making you less productive… So here’s why and Three tips to help you to fix it. When you optimize every detail, you’re forgetting two important things. Every hour you spend on a task, you’re […]

How to Stop Feeling Inadequate

No matter how much work you do, it feels like it’s never enough… But, that’s not really the case… So here’s WHY you feel inadequate and three steps to help you fix it. When you feel like you’re not doing enough. That’s just your imposter syndrome speaking. High achievers have high standards. Which can cause […]

How to Make Sense of Contradicting Advice

In life, you’re going to hear a lot of contradicting advice. How do you know what advice to follow? Which advice will get you where you want to be? Advice is contextual. And what works for one person, may not work for you. Practice discernment and critical thinking. Learn from different people’s point of views. […]

Reinforce The Right Habits

The harder you work –> The better your results (and life) –> The better (and luckier you feel) –> The harder you work The more you slack off –> The worse your results (and opportunities around you) –> The worse you feel –> The less motivated you are to work. You decide which path you […]

How to Handle Failure

Failure is inevitable. But how you deal with it is what decides if you succeed in the long run. Here are five steps to help you overcome that next failure and reach long term success.

The Biggest Thing Holding You Back

One of the biggest things hold you back in life. Your need for certainty. Our brains like predictability. But. Nothing in life is certain. Everything’s an assumption, based off your current mental model. Everything in life has some level of chance. Even obvious things like, “will the sun come up tomorrow?” Start thinking in bets. […]

Stuck Deciding Between Two Options?

Stuck deciding between two options? Choose the one you haven’t tried before. If you follow your same patterns day in and day out… Things may go as expected. But you limit yourself. You never give life a chance to take you anywhere amazing, and unexpected. Try new things. Put yourself in unusual situations. That’s the […]